
Public Relations Center,
Publications Office

In addition to “The Annual Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan” and “NAOJ News,” which report the research and activities of NAOJ, the NAOJ Publications Office also compiles and publishes special editions and activity documentation.
Digital publication files (WEB Book, EPUB3, PDF) released by the Publications Office are opened to the public on this page.

3 Digital Publication Formats

WEB Book

This format can be viewed in an internet web browser. In addition to offering movie playback and interactive digital contents, this format also offers interactive page functions on a tablet platform such as touch and swipe actions. The pages are in reflowable format (the articles are laid out to match the screen size). This format is suitable for reading on a mobile device, tablet, or PC with an internet connection.

Screen of WEB Book


This format can be read using a specialized EPUB3 reader. The method for using the digital publication data will be determined by the interface style of the EPUB3 reader. The pages are in reflowable format (the articles are laid out to match the screen size). This format is suitable if you want to set the font size, use EPUB3 reader functions like memo or bookmark, as well as for reading on mobile devices or tablets without an internet connection.

Screen of EPUB3


In this format, the page layout is fixed (the same as the printed layout). This format is suitable for reading on a tablet or laptop PC without an internet connection. The PDF viewer offers functions for displaying two-page spreads and for page flipping.

Screen of PDF

Caution: When using EPUB3, there are cases where some of the interactive digital publications might not function based on the EPUB3.0 environment of the EPUB3 reader.
The EPUB3 readers recommended for NAOJ Public Relations Center Publications Office releases are Apple Books (iPad, iPhone, other ios based platforms, Mac), Reasily (Android), and Adobe Digital Editions(Winsows).

WEB Book Display and Operation

To Display

On the bookshelf, touch (or click) the “book title” or “WEB Book Viewer” button.
Operation to select WEB Book


On the page display, touch (click) an “article name” in the table of contents on the left to move to that article. Furthermore by swiping (dragging, or rotating the mouse wheel) up and down, you can move the red triangle to the desired article.
When the screen width is narrow, the table of contents is hidden; in this case you can open the table of contents by clicking (touching) the “table of contents” button.
Menu open

Downloading EPUB/PDF Files

On the bookshelf, touch (or click) the “PDF” button or “EPUB3” button beneath the “book title.” In the case of downloading to a smartphone or tablet, when a prompt appears asking what application to use to open the file, please select your PDF reader or EPUB3 reader of choice. For details about operating a PDF/EPUB reader, please refer to the manual for each application.
Operation to select EPUB3 or PDF

Caution: When downloading to a smartphone or tablet, it might take several minutes for the prompt to select an application to appear after the button is pushed.

Caution: When using EPUB3, there are cases where some of the interactive digital publications might not function based on the EPUB3.0 environment of the EPUB3 reader. The EPUB3 readers recommended for NAOJ Public Relations Center Publications Office releases are Apple Books (iPad, iPhone, other ios based platforms, Mac), Reasily (Android), and Adobe Digital Editions(Winsows).


These publications introduce NAOJ’s projects and research facilities.

Annual Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Scientific Highlights

The Scientific Highlights starting from the FY 2001 edition through the FY 2023 edition have been compiled and reedited to create a digital book.

ALMAr's Adventure
Issue 01-11

This is the e-book version of the radio astronomy publicity cartoon "ALMAr's Adventure" that is irregularly serialized in the NAOJ News.

Original Books

Original digital publications planned and compiled by the NAOJ Public Relations Center Publications Office.

Newest Titles

Makaliʻi in Hawaiʻi
(Keiichi Kodaira)
Title:Makaliʻi in Hawaiʻi
Author:Keiichi Kodaira
Release date:July. 8, 2016
Last updated : Sep. 1, 2016
From the Translator:The word "Makaliʻi" in the title of this English version is the Hawaiʻian word for the star cluster “Pleiades,”which ancient Hawaiians used as position and time indicator in the sky for their navigation over the Pacific Ocean with their outrigger-canoes. The original meaning of “Makaliʻi” is “Small Eyes.”Hawaiians came from Makaliʻi according to a legend. In Japan, this beautiful conspicuous star cluster “Pleiades” has been called “Subaru” since the age of Yamato period, as was cited in the Makura-no-Sohshi by Sei Shonagon “(Beautiful is ) in Spring the Dawn, among stars Subaru.” The original meaning of “Subaru” is “Gathering”. The Japanese National Large Telescope(JNLT) was named “Subaru”. The Big telescopes gathering in Hawaii are yet Small Eyes seen from the universe. The original Japanese version of this book "Uchuu no Hatemade" contained only a few picture materials. Taking advantage of the new style of publication "e-book", many pictures were added in this e-book, "Makaliʻi in Hawaiʻi". We hope that readers enjoy them as well as the translated materials.

Game Books

This is an original Game Book planned and produced by the Publications Office of the Astronomy Information Center of the NAOJ.

Newest Titles

Title:The Sandcastle TRPG(Table-talk Role Playing Game)
Release Date:2023
Summary:The Sandcastle TRPG was created by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) in response to the changing needs of the science outreach community. But Sandcastle is not an educational game. It is designed by gamers for gamers to enjoy playing as a normal TRPG; it is also extremely flexible and capable of accommodating a wide variety of content. NAOJ will be using Sandcastle for astronomy outreach; we encourage other research and educational institutes to use it for their own outreach efforts; and encourage gamers to play it just for fun.


Newest Titles

Teaching of Astronomy in Asian-Pacific Region
Title:Teaching of Astronomy in Asian-Pacific Region
Release date:Feb. 26, 1990 - Nov. 30, 2003
Teaching of Astronomy in Asian-Pacific Region is an astronomy education journal published from 1990 to 2003, in 20 volumes, edited by Dr.Shuzo Izobe of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The field of astronomy education needs research journals archiving the outcomes as all the research areas do, which is a valuable resource for research development. Though this journal has already ended its publication, it contains many valuable papers written by excellent researchers around the world. This PDFs are available partially through effort of the WG,Theory and Methods in Astronomy Education, of Commission C1, Astronomy Education and Development, of the IAU, and all the numbers by courtesy of Ms.Nagako Miyauchi-Isobe.
Download list
Bulletin No.1 Bulletin No.2 Bulletin No.3 Bulletin No.4 Bulletin No.5 Bulletin No.6 Bulletin No.7 Bulletin No.8 Bulletin No.9 Bulletin No.10 Bulletin No.11 Bulletin No.12 Bulletin No.13 Bulletin No.14 Bulletin No.15 Bulletin No.16 Bulletin No.17 Bulletin No.18 Bulletin No.19 Bulletin No.20

Copyright c 2022 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. All rights reserved.